Gallery talk: ‘The Derbyshire Gift’

July’s Artwork of the Month talk will be given by Peter Gibbard, former Chair and one of our most popular speakers. It will take place in the Burton gallery on Wednesday July 3rd – starting at 1pm. Peter’s subject is ‘The Derbyshire Gift’. He will tell the...

Artwork of the Month for June

This month’s Gallery talk will be given by Danae Browne, an MA student in the History of Art department at the University of York and recipient of this year’s bursary which has been part-sponsored by the Firiends. Her subject will be the 1941 painting by...

Artwork of the Month talk

This month’s Gallery talk will be given by Amelie Castellant, a postgraduate student at the Department of History of Art, University of York, on Wednesday 8 May at 1pm. The title, which sounds intriguing, is ‘Seeing Scuptures and Touching Pictures’....

The Road to Calvary by Marten van Cleve

Professor Jeanne Nuechterlein of the History of Art Department, University of York, discusses a favourite painting from the Gallery’s collection. The identity of the artist has long been debated but through her research Jeanne has found the probable solution. Click...

Visit to Brockfield Hall

*** This event is fully booked *** Brockfield Hall was built for Benjamin Agar by Peter Atkinson, a junior partner of John Carr. It is owned by Charlie and Hatta Wood, who have recently undertaken a major restoration with the aim of bringing the house back to its...

Thomas Lawrence: Coming of Age

A talk by Amina Wright, curator of historic art collections, exhibitions, and interiors formerly for English Heritage, and the Holburne Museum in Bath. She is now Senior Curator of the Faith Museum in Bishop Auckland. She has published a special study of Sir Thomas...

Visit to York Cemetery Chapel

*** This event is fully booked *** Opened in1837, York Cemetery Chapel is a grand neo-classical building. The Chapel and the entire cemetery layout were designed by the York architect, JP Pritchett. It is one of the finest cemetery chapels in the country. We meet...

Coach Visit to Ushaw Hall and the Oriental Museum, Durham

*** Fully booked *** A coach trip visiting Ushaw College, historic house, chapel and gardens, which was founded in 1808 as a seminary to train Roman Catholic priests. The huge complex of buildings contains some magnificent examples of Victorian architecture, with a...

A Summer Soirée at St Saviourgate

*** This event is fully booked with a waiting list *** David Lamb,a FYAG committee member and Trustee of YMT has kindly invited members to a soirée at his Grade 2* house in St Saviourgate. We will have the opportunity to explore the recently restored house, while...

‘Edouard Manet and the Path to Modernity’

*** This event is fully booked with a waiting list*** The morning will consist of two seminars led by Lizzie Darbyshire, who developed her interest in Manet when she was at the Courtauld Institute of Art. After coffee on arrival, the first seminar will look at the...